He was a big guy, probably no older than Jane, and had a vague look in his eyes.
He had a vague, empty look that reminded her of her father.
Michaela got a vague look in her eye for a moment, listening to a report from someone still on the site, doing cleanup work.
I decided his mind was just clearly elsewhere and that was what gave him such a vague look.
"That's good enough for me," Thora declared with a vague look in her eyes.
To his left was another open area that had the vague look of a helipad.
Her eyes had a vague look for long seconds, then seemed to focus on Rick's eyes.
But he was a different Sugar Ray, with a vague look in his gentle eyes.
A vague look of longing came over the emperor's face, as if he felt a certain envy at the prospect.
The young man had the vague look on his face of someone on drugs.