She turned and saw a vaguely human figure hovering beside her.
This, however, was as far as it got toward looking even vaguely human.
The figure on the throne of skulls was too large to be a man, yet it had a vaguely human appearance.
The smoke formed a vaguely human female body below the head.
There was a face in the upper foliage, vaguely human, but much larger than any person.
His face was vaguely human, but had definite overtones of lizard.
Not so much a shape, as a gathering of darkness, only vaguely human.
There were about ten following him, only five even vaguely human.
What was moving between two of the standing rocks was a shape not even vaguely human.
For a moment an armature of something else, a thing only vaguely human, stood in her place; then that too was gone.