Pettitte had gotten a sense Stottlemyre was ailing over the last year, after Stottlemyre vaguely mentioned doctors' appointments.
The Ulgos vaguely mentioned 'monsters', but refused to elaborate.
The following day, about to leave, Taylor vaguely mentions that Ingrid had to meet someone and had caught a bus, with Alex and Sophie unbemused.
Not to mention vaguely familar!
The article vaguely mentioned the two were at some sort of charity gala for kids with cancer, and I had to wonder which was the real Royce.
Cone vaguely mentioned business opportunities.
In the 1950's, background - with a source vaguely mentioned but not named - developed an offshoot, the category called deep background.
A faded memorial plate, tucked away behind the island's parish church, vaguely mentions 45 Soviet citizens who died on Alderney in 1940-45, without saying how they died and why.
The Frankish Annals vaguely mention this elder Harald as king.
They were smitten immediately; his second letter vaguely mentioned marriage.