During the conflict Captain George Nicolas Channer was awarded the Victoria Cross for his valiant actions against the Malayans.
For her "valiant action" during this period, Heron received the Navy Unit Commendation.
The Freedom of the City was an honour granted only to troops which had earned the trust of the local populace, either through some valiant action or simply by being a familiar presence.
Sulu's valiant action to fire the engines and blast them free of the mine undoubtedly saved the shuttle from immediate destruction.
They watched the harpies beat the bats, thanks to the valiant final action of Phoebe.
It was earned by Captain Frank Furness,commander of Company F for his valiant actions at the Battle of Trevilian Station.
The rumors of the many valiant actions and the heroes of this time are still told among the older members of Pleasure Point surfing community.
And, of course, valiant action by our watchmen probably at least prevented an immediately fatal shot.
Corporal Gamini Kularatne's valiant action marks a milestone in the annals of military gallantry.
It is most fitting that the remarkable and valiant action at Zeebrugge should be commemorated here in Deal, in concert with the tribute to the famous Royal Marines.