You the valiant hero, I the hissable villain.
Then he broke the connection, leaving the three valiant heroes in silence in their doomed ship.
Our valiant hero, is, of course, wearing a parachute (I hope that ain't a rucksack on your back), and carrying his trusty pistol.
She had thought about trying to become the Black Knave, but whoever would believe such a scrawny lad could be the valiant and fearless hero?
Despite his vulnerability to pollution, Captain Planet is a formidable and valiant hero.
Teldin - A valiant and retired hero.
Iobates was unable to believe that this valiant hero deserved death, and so he allowed Bellerophon to marry his daughter.
I cannot desert such a valiant hero.
O valiant heroes of the Trojan line!
The books were full of valiant heroes who killed evil wytches.