The model fitted to the validation data results in the same specification and similar variable coefficient magnitudes to those in the original model.
Further validations are carried out, either by using a validation data, or by the consistency of the business results.
An optimal value of M is often selected by monitoring prediction error on a separate validation data set.
The combined uncertainty is then determined and examined in light of validation data in the Arctic.
The cross-validation process is then repeated k times (the folds), with each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the validation data.
For each such split, the model is fit to the training data, and predictive accuracy is assessed using the validation data.
This is repeated such that each observation in the sample is used once as the validation data.
Normally, less than a third of the initial sample is used for validation data.
Several had high sensitivity and acceptable specificity in derivation cohorts, but the limited validation data suggested that specificity was poor.
All liver genes discussed in the present manuscript are found in Figure 1(green dots) and lie within the range of validation data (black squares).