But this intelligence test is seen as less of a threat because it is supported by scientific validity studies.
However, this strategy allowed more clarity since only content validity studies were included in this systematic review.
Three validity studies of the daily progress report in relationship to the check, connect, and expect Intervention.
These validity studies compared clinical opinion as to whether a respondent showed signs of dementia with their score upon the scale.
The initial validity study assessed 119 patients at home and 213 patients admitted to a hospice unit.
GMAC continues to perform validity studies to statistically verify that the exam predicts success in business school programs.
As with many aspects of social science, the magnitude of the correlations obtained from predictive validity studies is usually not high.
Ms. Coletti said some colleges and universities had done "validity studies" to profile the kinds of students likely to do well at their institutions.
Only two systematic reviews of spinal palpatory validity studies have been published [ 29 30 ] .
There are various types of validity studies.