You shouldn't assume that customers who spend the most money with you are also your most valuable accounts.
His memoir, written in 1575, is one of the most valuable contemporary accounts of American Indian life from that period.
It seemed worth while to try to turn it to some valuable account.
From surviving photos and valuable accounts like these, we can re-imagine the experience of the original theatre patron.
There is a particularly valuable account of the evolution of the fashion plate, from the 18th century onward.
While it contains no music, is a valuable account by a professional musician at the time.
He left a valuable account of this region during colonial times.
As his business increased, he hired several assistants, two of whom have left valuable accounts of Schmidt's working methods.
Cortés was the most educated, and his letters to Charles V are a valuable firsthand account.
Create a profile of your most valuable accounts to focus your efforts on new customers with similar qualities.