Their houses were built close together in order not to waste valuable farmland.
Much of the wide open spaces constitutes valuable farmland.
Through this treaty, Bhutan lost a major tract of valuable farmland and a large portion of its wealth.
Long Island's remaining valuable farmland needs to be preserved for development and the farmers' property rights must be protected.
Construction of the dam, with land leveling, clearing and canal construction destroyed valuable farmland and trees.
Efforts to revitalize the languishing downtown, and to curb the spread of housing subdivisions into valuable farmland, have proved challenging.
Besides threatening urban communities, valuable farmland became buried under the mining debris.
Erosion, flooding of valuable farmland, and destruction of fish breeding habitats have been typical problems.
Opponents contend that the project will ruin valuable farmland, wetlands and natural areas, as well as several golf courses and parks.
The Medjerda and vicinity have been very productive throughout history and today remain valuable farmland.