Jade cut from emerald green jadeite is considered one of the most valuable gemstones.
The country produces 60 percent of the world's emeralds, the second most valuable gemstone after diamonds.
Dilithium crystals, the most valuable gemstone in the computer game NetHack.
Jewelers work with precious metals and valuable gemstones, they need to make sure that their work can be safely carried to the person who has ordered it.
Of course, finding a truly valuable gemstone in the city's bedrock is exceedingly rare.
"Do you often mix up valuable gemstones?"
They stole a valuable gemstone and faced the various Legion members in contests of strength.
In exchange for the ring and a number of valuable gemstones, Greelanx sells his battle plan to the Hutts.
Emerald is a rare and valuable gemstone and, as such, it has provided the incentive for developing synthetic emeralds.
For good measure, the thieving halfling fished his hands through the assassin's pockets, finding a small purse and a fairly valuable gemstone.