A schematic fracture surface map is a valuable result of visual or microscopic examination.
He wouldn't be the first teenager to cheat on his homework, but he's almost certainly the first to find the result so valuable.
And despite reports to the contrary, I believe he had obtained some valuable scientific results, even if they were slightly incidental.
Executives here said that such programs lead to valuable results even if no useful products emerge from the pipeline.
We did unconventional things in unconventional ways and still got valuable results.
"Much could still be learnt and 'no evidence of health damage' after comprehensive investigation would be a valuable result"
'no evidence of health damage' after comprehensive investigation would be a valuable result," he writes.
It was indeed a valuable result of their labor, and a very opportune one.
She can correlate on any subject, but once she's done so, she can't recognize a valuable result from a valueless one.
A survey, though, will yield valuable results for the future, he said.