The object of this treaty is to protect and sensibly use internationally valuable wetlands.
It would drain 200,000 acres of valuable wetlands, hardwood forests and wildlife habitat.
By investigating the impact of human activities on wetlands and identifying the most valuable wetlands, their values can be preserved for future generations.
The number of beaches open during the summer has increased, and the destruction of valuable wetlands has been slowed.
Relentless development along Florida's east coast has savaged valuable wetlands and sucked up water.
This technique also provides better management of our valuable wetlands.
But several state and federal agencies oppose it on the ground that it would harm valuable wetlands.
But these days, that swamp is looking more like valuable wetlands.
The council's proposed change is not based on scientific data and would imperil countless acres of valuable functioning wetlands.
George Bush coupled his 1988 campaign pledge to be the "environment President" with a promise to resist further erosion of the nation's valuable wetlands.