It lost 3.3 percent through Thursday, versus a loss of nearly 1 percent for its large-cap value category.
This essentially gave Kmart a private-label brand in the value category for household goods.
Unfortunately, the bull market has been far more generous to large-capitalization growth stocks than to the mid-cap value category.
After all, if the future is like the past, the small-cap value category will outperform other sectors over the long term.
By contrast, the stocks with the lowest ratings came largely from the small-cap value category.
Even other value categories declined: midcap by 1.7 percent and large-cap by 7.1 percent.
Stocks tend to fall into the value category as a result of earnings disappointments or declining volumes in their industries.
For example, you could put items into low, medium and high value categories.
Graeber's work is very focused on how value categories shape human lives, and the direct political effects of that.
Estate agents have been asked to place houses in one of eight value categories.