Used to designate variables that may hold values of different types.
The two Picard theorems limit the number of possible lacunary values of certain types of holomorphic functions.
A function that can evaluate to or be applied to values of different types is known as a polymorphic function.
Pupils can be asked to assess the value of different types of sources and to compare the evidence they offer.
Variables can be declared as being pointers to values of various types, by means of the type declarator.
The type of a reference type can be determined from values of self-describing types.
A 3-tuple would be represented as , where A, B and C are values of possibly different types.
The accounts on the verso side are of particular interest because of their comparisons between the relative values of different types of solidi.
Among other things, this may permit a single variable to refer to values of different types at different points in the program execution.
The value restriction prevents reference cells from holding values of different types and preserves type safety.