If you find it's a choice between value products and eating beans on toast all week the value stuff might seem more appealing!
The other major factor is, as I've said, the change towards high added value products.
The Chinese industry is increasing R&D in order to create higher value products using more advanced technology.
During the depression years, the company was able to remain profitable, helped by the public's perception of good value products.
"But we have very high value products, which makes it worthwhile to continue doing business in the city."
It continues to argue that its valuable oil should be used for high value products and export, not simple electricity generation.
Deliver on a timely basis the best value product or service to the customer by: Promoting competition.
Such low value cultural products do most damage to the new countries of the European Union, some of which are small.
That means we leave the majority of the week where these very high value products are just sitting doing nothing.
Now, the successful investment banker must be able to create new value products as well as execute.