The three values of load average refer to the past one, five, and fifteen minutes of system operation.
The residual value refers to the remaining equity value of a property after construction costs.
The values on the pulse rise time refer to the rated voltage.
Unless noted, all values refer to the normal boiling point at standard pressure (101.325 kPa).
All values refer to 25 C and to the thermodynamically stable standard state at that temperature unless noted.
Since then, intrinsic value not only refers to the animal's welfare, but also to the moral attitude society takes towards animals (or nature) as such.
The suggested values for solid densities refer to "near room temperature" by default.
The suggested values for liquid densities refer to "at the melting point" by default.
In mathematics, value commonly refers to the output of a function.
Shared values refers to the importance the organization attaches to product quality, customer service, and treatment of employees.