The future and the values that will shape it.
An important element in the early town was a colony of German Mennonites, whose strong traditions and values still shape Reedley's culture.
In Europe, divergent values are quite explicitly shaping different P.G.D. policies.
How values shape human progress is increasingly a topic of consideration among development practitioners and a learning opportunity for us all.
Instead, cultures and values shape economic development.
Over all, Mr. Callahan makes a convincing case that the values of the class of 1949 shaped its members' conduct in a profoundly positive way.
They can be helped to understand how their values, talents, skills, and knowledge have shaped their own possibilities.
It considers how Jews live today and how ancient Jewish values shape the contemporary Jew's understanding of his place in the modern world.
The bourgeoisie and its values shaped official sexual imagery.
The extent to which ideas and values actually shape policy change requires careful empirical enquiry.