The stock closed on Wednesday at 22-1/2 pence, valuing the business at 812m.
Permira bought a stake in the company in August 2005, which valued the business at £1.89 billion.
As a private company, Forbes's financial details are not known, but some in the media have valued the business at more than $1 billion.
An analysis by a money manager who is bearish on Motorola values the business at $2.50 to $3.75 a share, based on financial projections.
Over all, the deal values the business at 5.7 billion euros ($6.7 billion).
Microsoft's initial approach was pitched at $31 a share, valuing the business at $44.6bn (£22.4bn).
Analysts value the business at close to $600 million, however it is believed the Muir family will not sell for less than $1 billion.
The shares are still down from a year high of 6.3p in January to today's price of 3.75p valuing the business at £6.41m.
But, he says, it's important to have a mechanism for "valuing the business, for determining how the value would be paid."
The prospective purchaser of a country house hotel instructed a local surveyor who valued the business as a going concern at £3.75 million.