The total value of the settlement will total about $7.25 billion.
Excluding foreign trade, the value of its goods and service totaled $137 a person in 1985.
The deal's value would total about $449 million.
The economic value of the settlement, including the changes Amway made to its business model, totals $100 million.
At yesterday's closing price of $72.94, the value of the shares would total about $6.3 billion.
Not all values total to 100% due to rounding, missing data, or other issues with the original data.
For the year, value at risk totaled $101 million, compared with $70 million in 2005.
These values now total 130%, meaning that the book has an overround of 30 (130 100).
Therefore, the value of smaller prizes usually total much less than that of the top prize.
The value of imports of these items totals $13 billion, the report said.