Character education, which some educators call "values clarification," is not new.
The problem arises when we head into "values clarification" and "tolerance" as a way to chip away at the time-honored values that parents are trying to instill at home.
But these days, many proponents of values education say values clarification was too abstract and, in trying to be neutral, may have suggested that all values were the same.
The goals will not "include values clarification or the assessment of any child's values," the summary said.
A Massachusetts teacher, a devoted supporter of values clarification, had a sixth-grade class which announced that it valued cheating and wanted the freedom to express that value during tests.
Many of these are now considered failed programs i.e., "religious education", "moral education", "values clarification".
It is being done partly through training sessions in "values clarification" and self-esteem, which are also a component of the Community Revitalization Program.
Your article is an excellent exercise in values clarification.
There is a difference between values clarification and cognitive moral education.