There was the distant thank of a valve opening and cold water gushed down on me from a thick pipe in the ceiling.
Larger amounts are supplied in metal tanks similar to gas cylinders, designed so a needle can fit through the valve opening.
If your valve opening is narrow, your left ventricle has to work harder to pump enough blood.
Meanwhile, the tank ball falls back into place, closing the flush valve opening.
I'm now in the severe stage as far as the width of the valve opening.
This simple system cannot change the duration of the valve opening, or their lift.
Some engines have camshafts that can be raised or lowered between two positions to adjust the valve openings.
The timing of the valve opening and closing is also important.
Make sure the guide is in place so that the wire is directly above the flush valve opening.
Additionally, smaller valve openings and longer opening times makes them less gas efficient than their poppet-valve counterparts.