They race around the square in a battered white van equipped with a megaphone, piping out disco music and campaign slogans, and lobby voters day and night.
Transport for this and other company tours is in vans equipped with two-way radios.
Mr. Pylyp was arrested in January in the theft of $200 from an abandoned van equipped with a hidden police camera.
Abortion-rights advocates who monitored their movements from vans equipped with radios warned the clinics' defenders of the group's departure.
It takes just six weeks to get a van ordered and equipped.
The tour operator has vans equipped with oxygen for high altitudes, tourism officials say.
Two additional vans equipped with 50 pairs of skates and safety equipment will be added next year.
Outside, small vans equipped with untold thousands of dollars worth of hardware stand ready so an announcer can "go live."
Fleets of vans equipped with large screens roll from village to village attracting audiences for the speeches that follow.
Twice a day, Jonathan Ray drives as many as 10 passengers around the city in a van equipped with individual video monitors.