Goncharov stood to watch the strange caravan vanish across the valley.
He vanished into shrubbery across a narrow road.
Laurie watched him vanish across the meadow and said, "He's either a natural horseman or he's going to kill himself."
Now, more than ever, he needed to vanish into the out-lands or across the sea to Ventria and the eastern kingdoms.
They vanished across the road, weapons ready.
Sharpe turned just in time to see the horsemen vanish across the crest.
Any matter that gets too close vanishes across the boundary, like water down a drain.
Finally the plane vanished away across the desert in the direction it had originally come from.
It climbed on to the shadowy horse and seemed to vanish across the lane into the darkness on the other side.
That same day she vanishes across the Isar River in the arms of a mysterious horseman.