His original cup plan, which called for three new boats, vanished amid the recession.
His fur glistening wetly to the three suns, he vanished amid the labyrinth.
The tables along the far wall that would be used for the food on the weekend seemed to vanish amid the flowers between the chafing dishes.
He even moved away, but she pursued his steps, 131and, a little time after, both spread their wings and vanished amid the luminous space above.
Club decorum vanished amid a flurry of angry letters, ugly accusations and legal documents.
There were several whistles, and the kick balls mysteriously vanished amid the crowd.
He just needed a hint... The affinity link vanished amid a violet flash.
Recently I took my 3-year-old daughter to a friend's house, where she vanished amid a crush of people in the living room.
Any doubts soon vanished, however, amid the long lines of apparently insatiable customers.
Not one word did she say, but as she vanished amid the trees she half turned in her saddle and waved a last greeting.