The leather-bound menus arrived, silently, and the blackcoated waiter vanished momentarily.
The image of the ships around them momentarily vanished from the screen, to be replaced by the face of a female Romulan.
The frown vanished momentarily as his eyes cleared and fixed on my face.
Eubanq swerved aside and vanished momentarily from sight behind a granat tree.
It vanished momentarily behind some trees north of the farmhouse and when it reappeared it was much closer.
She moved on to the road, to get even ground under her feet, and her hand vanished momentarily under the green shirt.
The idol flinched involuntarily from something which could not possibly hurt it, and its force, its fire, momentarily vanished.
A blotter was taken between the hands, as the light momentarily vanished.
"It's about time," he snapped, and his Adam's apple vanished momentarily behind the windbreaker's collar.
The patrol vanished momentarily, crossing behind a hulking structure that rose from the middle of the courtyard below.