Gondy, edged into a corner, saw them vanish from the first until the last but one.
There was talk for a time that it might come to New York, but the production seemed to vanish without a trace until this revival.
The team then vanished for years until it re-apperead in 1979.
David and Luke agree that the best course is for Luke to simply vanish until Monday.
"The Shadow" is, of course, based on the exceptionally popular radio character, who appeared in 1930 and didn't vanish from the airwaves until 1954.
And this time the weakness did not vanish until midmorning.
I'll give you a hundred to vanish until midnight, and say nothing to Madame or the other girls.
Yet Greek New Comedy, except for very brief quotations, vanished completely until this century.
Bing Crosby was No. 1 from 1944 to 1948 and didn't vanish until 1955.
Then they vanished until this afternoon.