When she woke again, quite late on the morning of the fourth day, the clouds had vanished overnight, and sun blazed down through the windows of her tower with cold, clear beams.
He remembered, hopefully, that the ants had vanished almost overnight, and he kept expecting that something like that also might happen to the rats.
It was as if his company had vanished overnight.
Two vermin whom he valued highly, Spurhakk the stoat and Bulfie, a ferret like himself, both hardened and skillful warriors, had vanished overnight.
With his power having vanished literally overnight, his ministers resigning one after another and the crowds of supporters he had counted on failing to materialize, Mr. Wahid, 61, made no public statement today.
Two dozen foreign reporters who gathered for the news conference on Thursday discovered that the dissidents had vanished overnight.
The money had literally vanished overnight, through a spiderweb of computer transfers so complex it would take a genius to figure out where it had finally ended up.
Summer had vanished overnight.
Tents, cannon, horses, soldiers had vanished overnight.
In fact, he had the feeling that his time at MARIA was already over; that his career had vanished overnight, like the mist over the Connecticut River.