For several years, New Yorkers have talked about crime like veterans recalling a vanquished enemy from an old war.
Volstagg later is granted a second of these weapons, one used by Ulik, another vanquished enemy.
She was brandishing her medical padd like the head of a vanquished enemy.
Their power did not derive from a hurled caber, but a vanquished enemy.
They made their way through a gathering crowd, all pressing to see the body of the vanquished enemy.
It may have been some vanquished enemy over whom he delighted to gloat.
We never denied to our vanquished enemies that talisman of green stone which was necessary for admission to the afterworld.
Sam went down to the deck for a closer look at the vanquished enemy.
He waved it at the stands as if brandishing the pelt of a vanquished enemy.
A left handed helix, moving away, is a vanquished enemy.