As the lamp warms, more of the mercury is in vapor form.
Her vapor form is extremely malleable, and she can become a massive cloud to envelop several enemies at once.
Daze's vapor form is lighter than air, allowing her to fly.
They are carried back in vapor form, and re-condense when a sufficiently low temperature is encountered.
Will introducing more of the liquid in vapor form change the temperature of boiling?
When a liquid is exposed to an expansion force such that the pressure exceeds the vapor pressure, bubbles of vapor form.
Moisture in liquid and vapor form continues to escape from a seared piece of meat.
The adhesive can be soften once exposed, either in a liquid of vapor form, of the solvent for some time.
So, if you assume that all of the combustion products will be in vapor form, this amounts to 17 moles of gas, or 381 liters.
For the low value, the exhaust has all the water in vapor form (steam).