HR Carinae undergoes spectral variations apparently correlated with the light variations similarly to other luminous blue variables.
In general, variation in therapeutic modality use did not correlate with clinical outcomes, suggesting that some use of these modalities may be of limited value, and that further evaluation of these modalities is warranted.
Further analysis of the spectrum of Aldebaran A did not show any variation correlated to the 643-day radial velocity oscillation, which would be expected if the cause was intrinsic.
Healy and his colleagues found that variations in seismicity correlated with the amount of fluid pressure in the seismically active zone.
The genetic variations identified in the study correlated with the grouping, suggesting the findings hold promise for simplifying warfarin therapy, the scientists reported in The New England Journal of Medicine.
A heritability of 1 indicates that variation correlates fully with genetic variation and a heritability of 0 indicates that there is no correlation between the trait and genes at all.
Similar satellite-based measurements of atmospheric water vapor found a similar variation that is "strongly correlated" with the amount of trapped heat, said the report in Nature.
A variation in chemistry (and consequently, mineral class) correlates to a change in specific gravity.
Data from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery have been processed to enhance subtle variations in vegetation density: in semiarid terrain such variations often correlate with the availability of ground moisture.
These variations correlate with the nutrient contents in the bamboo.