Make sure you have enough different greens to provide a salad of varied texture and color.
The vessels, as a result of this heavy glazing, derive a lot of their appeal from their varied and uneven textures.
This he applies also to mountains, holding the combination of small hills with varied textures are more beautiful than grand magnitude.
A floor of varied textures in green, tan and red presents a maze of sorts for Else to negotiate.
During the reign of Mao, standardization threatened to smooth the varied texture of Chinese dialects.
It consists of nine movements, interspersing arias with varied texture and recitative with continuo.
"But I like the varied texture of the newsprint," says another.
The trick to a perfect fish cake is to combine the ingredients gently, allowing each its integrity, so as to achieve a cake of varied texture.
A work of varied textures and unusual richness, it has an energy that catches hold from the very first sentence.
The landscape is a blend of woodland, bog and pasture, which give a varied texture to the area.