She is variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, fire, light, the Moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, necromancy, and sorcery.
These kami are variously associated with thunder.
Infection with Dientamoeba fragilis is called Dientamoebiasis and is associated variously with symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and fever.
R-M420 has been variously associated with:
Corky wine has a smell and a taste variously associated with damp basements, rotten logs and dirty socks.
In ancient literature, the Kamboja is variously associated with the Gandhara, Darada and the Bahlika (Bactria).
In any case, turtles, snakes and hedgehogs are all animals with chthonic characteristics which were often variously associated with the underworld in South Slavic tradition.
Jane Birdwood was a veteran activist on the far right who was variously associated with the National Front and British National Party.
James Levine led the Met Orchestra and Chorus and several singers of the company in works variously associated with Miss Troyanos.
The desire which produces works of art is variously associated in Emerson with God or Divinity or the soul in each of us.