The performance of the game itself in the play mode varies depending how fast/slow the CPU is.
The second study will look at how national demand patterns for energy- intensive goods vary depending whether the country is poor or rich.
The duration of Crown copyright varies depending whether material is published or unpublished.
The size and type of bait fish used will vary depending what species is being targeted.
The additional requirements vary depending whether the beer card trick winner is the declarer or one of the defenders.
Endings vary depending whether the PC or the console version of the game is played.
The rates will vary depending who you are and how many people you plan to show it to, but the licensee can charge viewers whatever they like.
(The exact percentages vary depending whether it is arterial or venous blood).
The range of the Indiana Dunes varies depending your source.
The curriculum taught by these individuals will vary depending upon the era the student trained in (early, middle or late).
On the back I read his wife's description: 6'1", 210-225 (weight varied depending on how much he was drinking and exercising and dieting).
Such properties could vary depending different industrial standards,different companies in different areas.
Prices in the region vary widely depending where trees are sold and their type and height.
Passengers traveling without a valid ticket are straightaway asked about their identity and finned €46.50 (amounts may vary depending the nature of the infraction).
The level of detail and document type varies depending the needs and design practices of the organizations.
This step will vary depending on which browser you have chosen; check for bookmark manager options in the new program's menus.
The method of communication will vary depending the abilities of the customers and on the complexity of the communications that are required.
The tie-breaking method may vary depending the language and version, and/or may be selectable by the programmer.
The available chips stored in this fashion, vary depending one which port or version.
The cost per project varies depending the amount of waste that needs to be removed.