Perfect agreement is the ideal, of course, but Cronbach's alpha is high also when test results vary systematically.
By systematically varying the content of those scenes, researchers can detect exactly which details make the scene more or less arousing.
Yet, these numbers also varied systematically across departments of France.
Importantly, the amplitude of the N1 systematically varied with the response to the dim flashes.
But compensatory mutations cannot be ignored if their frequency varies systematically in genetic space.
By systematically varying the attributes or content elements, one can quantify their impact on outcome, such as a purchase decision.
Anisotropy is also used to describe situations where properties vary systematically, dependent on direction.
However, the dress color systematically varies between the different tribes of the island.
Therefore, the experience of women will vary systematically over time, place and circumstance, in step with, but different from, the experience of men.
You can't do experiments on this where you systematically vary the elements.