It is a highly vascular structure that projects into the vitreous humor.
Since the underlying vascular structures are less hidden by tissue, erythroplakia appears red when viewed in a clinical setting.
This vascular structure is also sometimes called "circle of Zinn".
This type of ultrasound would enable physicians to see the vascular structures in real-time.
Because of the proximity of several large vascular structures in this area this procedure should not be considered to be risk free.
This is due to differences in the vascular anatomical structure on the right and left sides.
By permanently affecting vascular structures in the brain, air pollution can have serious effects on neural functioning.
Hemorrhoid or haemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal which help with stool control.
Tumor cells, with a disorganized and compact vascular structure, have difficulty dissipating heat.
Softwoods have a vascular structure which looks similar to a bunch of drinking straws held together.