Like the rest of the basal ganglia, its vascular supply is provided by the middle cerebral artery.
These are small, spiny outgrowths of the stem, lacking their own vascular supply.
Also a good vascular and immune supply is necessary, therefore found in adults.
When blood vessels connect to form a region of diffuse vascular supply it is called an anastomosis (pl.
It receives distinctly different innervation and vascular supply in comparison to the internal oblique.
It does not provide information on vascular supply to the pulp.
The latter contribute more to the vascular supply of the cauda equina.
The muscle region was not reinnervated as expected, but instead turned bluish after mobilization, possibly due to a congestion of vascular supply.
It results from a failure of normal vascular supply from the lower aorta in utero.
He's lost vascular supply to this leg.