First Night Boston this year will include an unusual underground event: brief free tours of the Big Dig, the vast cavity that has wrapped the city in dust and construction barriers through the 90's.
Though the three Pancahtan vessels within Hangar 17 were individually much larger than the Swift in Hangar 39, they were still dwarfed by the vast cavity in which they rested.
Motes of dust hovered in the vast central cavity of the room.
A vast cavity of nuclear instability inflated around the Alchemist as it soared ever deeper into the gas giant.
Two vast cavities - each 600,000 lyrs in diameter appear on opposite sides of a large galaxy at the center of the cluster.
The study's authors interpret these fossils as the internal sand casts of a vast bag-like cavity, possibly a pharynx (branchial basket?)
And, in truth, the fall of the rock had made a passage of escape for an enormous quantity of explosive gas, accumulated in vast cavities, the openings to which had hitherto been blocked up.
She herself had been back there only once, to discover in dismay that midges and tiny spiders had found homes there, lacing the vast cavity with gauzy webs.
If then, as was probable, some vast cavity existed in the interior of the granite, it might, perhaps, be of great use.
Her kind believed that in the center of all-pervading solidity there was a single, vast, spherical cavity, which was Pellucidar.