These are the groups and organizations which express the vast diversity of interests within society.
The cuisine available in Queens reflects its vast cultural diversity.
Somehow, then, I must help you to feel not only the vastness of time and space, but also the vast diversity of mind's possible modes.
Other forested areas are increasingly isolated - bad news for the vast diversity of plants and animals there.
Tropical rainforests exhibit a vast diversity in plant and animal species.
We are able to draw upon a vast diversity of talent and worldwide group culture to give us a collective strength.
The vast diversity of religion doesn't hinder in the harmony of the place.
This vast diversity makes it difficult for law enforcement to concentrate on any one labor sector and be effective in ending human trafficking.
The vast diversity in pseudosciences further complicates the history of science.
This is only a sampling of the vast diversity to be found in reasonably priced wine.