Astrological emblems and diagrams were a natural subject for art, particularly for an audience already disposed to see Creation itself as a vast fabric of ornamental design.
At approximately 7.30am, "...all at once, without the least warning, a great portion of the vast fabric - in fact the whole which had been roofed in - fell with a tremendous crash to the ground".
Some of the details may sound trivial on one level but each of them is one more tiny link binding this vast fabric together.
A planet's life is a vast, tightly interwoven fabric.
The whole vast fabric of the ship shuddered as though it were being mauled by a thousand and impossibly gigantic hammers.
Their fathers understood that other men had their own pride, and that it was such pride that held the vast fabric of society together.
Elizabeth and Minanonn, linked, seemed to be suspended within a vast glowing fabric, a vinelike tangle that penetrated as well as surrounded them.
Cantatalike choruses and narrative arias, as well as a single quasi-operatic aria, are stitched into a vast symphonic fabric.
From one perspective, they are simply faster data links, but through the looking glass of the distributed computing idea they represent a visible manifestation of the construction of a vast computational fabric that will stretch around the globe.
The tree she'd surrendered to somewhere in gray limbo was a tiny part of the throne's vast fabric.