These cities prospered because of their vast agricultural hinterlands.
The vast hinterland was still populated by indigenous peoples who likely retained their own tribalistic character.
Because they live near Yangon, the residents of this hamlet are better off than many farmers in Myanmar's vast hinterland.
She could make the journey to the West Coast first; see the vast hinterlands in between.
From there, the colonists hoped to tap the vast hinterland of West Africa.
Thanks to its vast hinterland, Toronto designers have had access to a wide array of raw materials for construction.
Other major international oil companies may now feel pressure to get into the game in Russia, as well, by buying reserves in the country's vast hinterland.
DaimlerChrysler will also be helped by the emphasis of China on roads, not railway lines, as a way to open its vast hinterland.
The world is divided into a number of zones of wealth surrounded by vast hinterlands of poverty.
It is an important railway junction and gateway to the vast tribal hinterland.