They were a single collective whole, a vast primitive organism, held ecstatic and hypnotized by the approaching column.
They were everything until the planet was one vast organism, and the single individuals weren't even antlike anymore, but merely cells in a body.
Then it was biology, the endless variety of plants and animals working together to form one vast, planetwide organism.
The individual components of this gigantic mold, each viable in itself, are also cooperative elements of a vast organism: Armillaria bulbosa.
The economic, commercial, industrial and all of the other processes it's built to take care of are all parts of a vaster organism.
Although his purpose was simple and straightforward, he sensed the cybercosm as a single vast organism with a hundred billion avatars.
One vast organism that seemed ready to steal what was theirs.
A vast and diffuse organism like the Louvre will always be evolving.
It seemed they moved through the interior of some vast organism.
It was one vast organism that was growing in the tunnel-riddled cliffs.