More recently the vast programme of legislation for the completion of the single market has given a new urgency to the matter.
The new government implemented a vast program of social changes, which is now known as the Quiet Revolution.
We are now planning," he said, "a vast program of research to extract all available knowledge from this record.
It is illogical that the United States should still have vast scientific programs for developing new nuclear weapons.
Moreover, new work may be found in a vast program the Pentagon has quietly embarked on to clean up environmental hazards at military bases.
Big surprises were the rule: sometimes vast new programs or sometimes radical changes in the way the Government does business.
"It's a vast, tremendously comprehensive program, and we're continuing to make it better."
"I don't want another vast social program that makes no difference to the fact that our cities are becoming unlivable," he added.
Grant was not unhappy to see the vast program grinding to a halt.
It will be just as hard to make a vast, complex and costly program not only comprehensible but attractive to American voters.