In another month Moscow, too, would feel and look like the vast tundra to the northeast.
For $290, I'd expect Freddy to raise hair from my vast tundra.
He was also curious about the customs of the native Sami people, reindeer-herding nomads who wandered Scandinavia's vast tundras.
Son No. 1, Paul, had sent his list across the vast tundra separating his attic warren from the rest of the household.
Above tree line, at approximately 11,500 feet (3,500 m), trees disappear and the vast alpine tundra takes over.
They are in the middle of a vast tundra in the Northwest Territories, the radio is broken, and they have a meager amount of supplies.
Several hundred yards from Joe Winder's car, in the center of what was now a vast tundra of scrabbled dirt, a plywood stage had been erected.
He throws his weight behind the creation of a vast sub-arctic tundra, where labour camps could be built and great writers developed.
Imagine what the formula might do if modified to work on the vast tundra of Russia!
The Inuit hunters looked out over the vast tundra for signs of the caribou herd.