Scenic beauty of this village and its vast wetland attracts the visitors.
Its vast wetlands attract thousands of migratory birds, journey from as far different places of the world.
But it's a wonder this vast subtropical wetland even survives.
Most fossil finds are part of lowland ecosystems which, during the Permian, would have been vast wetlands.
There are several different access points to see this vast wetland by car and on foot.
Bowling Green is the largest city now in the remnants of this vast wetland.
Here, it was a vast wetland where Bruce pointed out ospreys and a red-tailed hawk.
Bird siewkowatych, requiring vast wetlands, Biebrza is one of the most important sites in Central Europe.
Much of the city was originally a vast wetland, reclaimed over the decades to accommodate the city's burgeoning population.
On the viewscreen he saw vast wetlands stretching beneath them, broken up by occasional villages and agricultural plots.