The game gives players a vastly diverse range of choices when compared to management simulators.
Without direct guidance, the humanimals developed on their own and eventually developed a social structure suitable for their vastly diverse races.
The vastly diverse interests among college students also make them an elusive group online.
The name was also crucial: Sakhi for South Asian Women wanted to bridge the differences among a vastly diverse population.
Such complicated signaling ensures that, whenever TNF is released, various cells with vastly diverse functions and conditions can all respond appropriately to inflammation.
Senator Lott noted in his introduction that this President represents a public career that is vastly diverse.
Due to Islam being a multi-ethnic religion, the musical expression of its adherents is vastly diverse.
Mathematics has become a vastly diverse subject over history, and there is a corresponding need to categorize the different areas of mathematics.
Rave culture, like hip-hop culture, is vastly diverse and there are many different music genres each of which have individually prominent vernacular dance styles.
Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle.