"The value we attach to them as ornaments is vastly lower than the value to society of their medical uses," Dr. Roberts said.
The estimated 400 hours were vastly lower than the 1,400 hours that Nepera has devoted to the job.
The mortality rate is 10% to 60%, but is vastly lower (close to zero) if intracellular antibiotics such as tetracycline are used before 8 days.
The development of superconductive materials, which have vastly lower resistance to electricity, would allow more efficient energy use.
For if the considerable relaxation of the registration burden since 1960 is taken into account, turnouts in 1988 should have been higher instead of vastly lower.
Although similar to the three 1960s "cathedral stations" of Line A, their passenger traffic has so far proved vastly lower.
It was neutronic energy, which is of a different and vastly lower order.
Their average incomes are vastly lower than those both of native-born men and of other immigrants.
Such competition is unfair because it is based on vastly lower cost and production conditions.
By and large, they are not outperforming funds open to the little guy at vastly lower cost.