In particular the hadronic components of the physical photon consist of the lightest vector mesons and .
In the range of higher masses, vector mesons include also charm and bottom quarks in their structure.
In 1963, Salam published his theoretical work on the vector meson.
Compare to a vector meson, which has a total spin 1 and odd parity.
There also exist composite particles that are vector bosons, such as the vector mesons, made of a quark and antiquark.
The two photons interact to produce either a vector meson or hadron-antihadron pairs.
Single resolved: The quark pair of the target photon form a vector meson.
Double resolved: Both target and probe photon have formed a vector meson.
At higher masses, the vector mesons include charm and bottom quarks in their structure.
Some vector mesons can, compared to other mesons, be measured to a very high precision.