Even the old standbys, more often than not, veer off in unexpected directions.
Mr. Hyde has also drawn criticism for his handling of the inquiry itself, which has occasionally veered off in surprising directions.
The halls twisted, turned, veered off in countless directions.
But the balance of Mr. White's new songs veer off in poppier directions.
Homicide jobs veered off in weird directions most of the time.
Lives cross at unexpected points, wind into odd patterns, then veer off in separate directions.
The orbits that were never perfect, but always veering off in new directions.
The conversation veered off in several directions.
I often stand here and think of how history can veer off in unexpected directions, drastically changed by the actions of the few.
Both veered off in opposite directions, one slipping down the z-axis while the other seemed ready to hightail directly for the Salva system.