Salt is famed in Jordan for its fertile soil and the quality of its fruit and vegetable harvests, particularly olives, tomatoes, grapes & peaches.
Keep up with vegetable harvest, and afterward, plant a cover crop that controls weeds and adds organic matter to the soil when cut down and turned under in spring.
The story says that a couple going home from the market place after trading their vegetable harvest with their basic needs, found lying on the ground an image of the blessed virgin.
Each week we fill 25 boxes with an equal share of the vegetable harvest for our Community Supported Agriculture scheme members.
In the late 1920s, agricultural experiments indicated that adding large amounts of manganese sulfate to Everglades muck produced profitable vegetable harvests.
Bolting, they overturned the wagon and ruined the vegetable harvest.
The lag in the vegetable harvest was visible in the barren state grocery stores and in astronomical fruit and vegetable prices in farmers' markets.
Keep up with vegetable harvests.
Their last vegetable harvest was five years ago.
Even while you're enjoying this year's vegetable harvest, it's time to think about how to get an even better haul next year.