These are events of fungal vegetative growth and not sexual reproduction.
Or he stands beside a vegetative growth that is maybe a tree and maybe not.
They probably spread largely by vegetative growth, and did not grow much more than a few centimeters tall.
This species often spreads through its own vegetative growth, but can easily be transported by human activities.
Any exposure to significant light will prevent bud set and convert that energy into vegetative growth.
Once the flower clusters form, they should be removed so the plant will continue its vegetative growth.
And the vegetative growth is no doubt due largely to the residual moisture from the lake.
Leaping into vegetative growth before you have put down strong roots is kind of like lecturing about a country without ever having been there.
You also must remove the "beard," the vegetative growth on the flat side of the shell.
They grow in large clusters, due to the vegetative growth of their tubers.